25 July 2022 2024-07-02 18:59Trainers
Course 1

Fleur Acroute Vial is a general practitioner in Grasse. The doctor's surgery is at the following address: Chemin de Clavary, 06130, Maison médicale, hôpital de Grasse.

Dr VESPERINI Stéphanie
Stéphanie Vesperini, child psychiatrist, specialising in neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. Doctor Vesperini is Deputy Head of the University Paediatric and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of Professor Askenazy at the Nice University Hospital - Lenval Paediatric Hospital. She is also the head physician at the PACA-East Autism Resource Centre and the Neurodevelopmental Disorder Coordination and Orientation Platform. Her main areas of interest relate to complex diagnoses of developmental disorders, self-management education and training for professionals and caregivers.
Course 2

Social worker with the France Alzheimer 06 association in the Alpes-Maritimes region.

Julie Brousse is a neuropsychologist at the Memory Resource and Research Centre in Nice.

Pyschomotricity therapist at Nice ADMR, Head of the Specialist Alzheimer’s Team (ESA) of the Nice ADMR and the Resource Centre at the Nice ADMR (bi-weekly workshops for caregivers and care receivers, offering activities, discussion, support and advice for caregivers), with the ADMR Alpes-Maritimes’s “Project Bien Viellir” (Ageing Well Project) (coordinator of home-based interventions by an APA coach and/or volunteers with the aim of increasing and maintaining the autonomy of our beneficiaries).
Graduated from the ISRP (Institut Supérieur de Rééducation Psychomotrice - Higher Institute of Psychomotor Rehabilitation) Marseille in 2016. Pyschomotricity therapist since 2016, for an ESA, first in l’Escarène (2016-2018) then for the ADMR ESA (2019 to present)
Training in parallel on:
- Ageing and cognitive disorders
- Fall prevention-Snoezelen Method for individuals and groups adapted for issues around ageing.

Audrey Deudon is a psychologist at Nice Cimiez University Hospital.

Doctor Éric Ettore works at the Memory Resource and Research Centre of Nice University Hospital, at the Pasteur and Claude Pompidou sites. His areas of expertise are cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), therapy for anxiety disorders, occupational stress and respiratory medicine. Respiratory medicine relates to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lungs, bronchial tubes and pleura. He specialises in respiratory failure and infectious or tumoral conditions.

FILLEAU Christelle
Christelle Filleau is a neuropsychologist at the Memory Resource and Research Centre at Nice University Hospital.

GROS Auriane
My academic career focussed on three main themes, specific to my professional practice and my teaching activities: the brain mechanisms underlying sensation, cognition and emotions, hence my specialisation in the field of neuroscience. I have held teaching and research positions since 2011.

GUAIS Aurélie (ESA)
Pyschomotricity therapist having graduated from ISPR Marseille in 2015. In 2016 I took up my position within the specialist Alzheimer's team. In parallel I continued to undergo training in:
- Ageing and cognitive disorders
- Fall prevention
- And the Montessori method adapted for use with the elderly.

IMBERT Liliane
I am president of the France 06 Alzheimers’ Association.

Elsa Leone is a psychologist specialising in neuropsychology. She also has a doctorate in psychology and has been employed by the Memory Resource and Research Centre (Rehabilitation, Autonomy and Ageing department of Nice University Hospital) since 2006.
Areas of interest:
- Managing behavioural problems associated with neurocognitive disorders,
- Treating patients with neurovisual disorders, head trauma, concussion, having undergone chemotherapy
- Mindfulness meditation.
Her research projects are:
- Specific rehabilitation of neurovisual disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease,
- The impact of therapeutic gardens on the behaviour and quality of life of senior citizens, - The benefits of meditation in managing anxiety.

Psychologist specialising in neuropsychology at the Memory Resource and Research Centre at Nice University Hospital.

Dr MICHEL Emeline
Emeline Michel is the clinic head at Nice University Hospital and works at the Cimiez Hospital in Gerontology. She has a Master's degree in adapted physical activities.

PAYNE Magalie
Speech pathologist and doctoral student at Nice University Hospital CMRR CoBTeK lab.

PLONKA Alexandra
Alexandra Plonka is a doctoral student in neuroscience at the CoBteK Lab. Her Phd on a system of graphical and gestural markers in the early diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia is funded by the NeuroMod Institute. Qualified speech pathologist with a research background.

Dr ROBERT Philippe
I am a psychiatrist and I work at the Côte d'Azur University in Nice.

Dr SACCO Guillaume
Dr Guillaume Sacco is a doctor specialising in geriatric medicine in Nice. Geriatric doctors specialise in the treatment and monitoring of medical conditions specific to the elderly. Geriatric medicine includes the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of illnesses related to the ageing organs of the patient: cognitive disorders, sensory disorders, kidney, heart or liver failure.... Geriatric doctors are experts in polypathology and related issues of polypharmacy. Geriatric doctors also take into account the patient's social setting to ensure a holistic person-centred approach rather than simply a medical and psychological one.

SCHALK Christine (ESA)
Occupational therapist with the “Mutuelle du Soleil” Team of Alzheimer’s Specialists (“ESA”).
I joined the ESA in 2015. My job is rewarding and fulfilling. By working with Elderly Carers, the personal care plan can be adjusted throughout the period when the patient is under our care. The whole team is satisfied when we see an improvement in the wellbeing of the patient and their caregiver, both in terms of mental health and in terms of organising their activities of daily living. We are always on-hand to help the families on our case load.

Anne-Julie Vaillant Ciszewicz is a clinical psychologist with a doctorate in psychology. Director of the master's in psychology (Côte d’Azur University) for over four years, her research is in psychobehavioural disorders and mood disorders particularly anxiety disorders) associated with age-related diseases. Currently a post-doctoral student at CoBTeK, she also works at Nice University Hospital and is the lead on two research projects as part of the Bien Veillir (Ageing Well) programme (PsyDoMa and RetroMood). Their objective is to propose innovative solutions as a response to the behavioural, emotional and cognitive issues caused by neurocognitive disorders.

VIREY Karelle
Karelle Virey is an occupational therapist at Nice University Hospital. Occupational therapists teach their patients to make adjustments to their daily life following the onset of disability, an accident or incapacitating illness. Occupational therapy is a paramedical discipline which allows the person to remain independent through a process of rehabilitation in a secure environment.
Course 3

BERNARD Ingrid et MEIRAN Sophie
CRMR Neuromuscular / CCMR neurogenetic psychologists
Psychologists offer psychological assessments and treatment for patients and their families. They help to develop the care and life plan as part of a holistic approach to patient treatment.
In parallel, Ingrid Bernard lectures at Nice University Hospital and is a member of Lenval Hospital's paediatric ethics group and the South Mediterranean Institutional Review Board (Comité de Protection des Personnes Sud Méditerranée).
Sophie Meiran is involved in innovative projects such as an e-Learning course. She also holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and lectures at Côte d'Azur University.

Joanna Da Silva Bettencourt is an occupational therapist at the CRMR at Nice University Hospital who works with patients referred to her for neuromuscular or motor neurone disorders. She assesses deficits and incapacity and tries to identify solutions that are as closely aligned as possible with the objectives of patients to allow them to maintain independence in their activities of daily living.

DE PAZ Victor et GARCIA Jérémy
Physiotherapists, Neuromuscular CRMR / Neurogenetic CCMR Jérémy Garcia and Victor De Paz are Physiotherapists who work on research projects at the Nice University Hospital's Rare Neuromuscular Disease Reference Centre and the Neurogenetic Diseases Competence Centre. They are experts in functional assessment scales and the development of digital biomarkers. They are also involved in clinical trials for MG and CIDP, virtual reality, serious games, whole-body gesture recognition videos, and the assessment and approval of digital medical devices in partnership with a number of private and institutional partners.

FLEURY Célia et KADAOUI EL ABBASSI Marie-Christine
Dieticians advise patients on their oral and enteral nutrition so as to help them to maintain optimal nutrition. They also coordinate enteral nutrition for patients at home in liaison with service providers and home carers and consult on all protocols related to nutrition. Dieticians are trained in self-management education (SME).
Marie-Christine Kadoui has 11 years of experience in managing the diets of patients with neuromuscular and motor neurone diseases. In treating these diseases, she also draws on her experience in gastroenterology, respiratory medicine and endicronology. Célia Fleury is the University Hospital's specialist in swallowing difficulties and texture modification. She has 5 years’ experience in neurology and 10 years in neurovascular conditions.

Dr PUMA Angela
Neurologist, SNPM, Neuromuscular CRMR /Neurogenetic CCMR Specialist in Neurology at the Palermo School of Medicine (Italy), Angela PUMA joined Nice University Hospital's Rare Neuromuscular Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Reference Centre (CRMN) SLA) in 2014. She is involved in developing clinical practice relating to neuromuscular conditions, particularly dysimmune and hereditary peripheral neuropathies and in managing the outpatient clinic. Her main research activities relate to physiopathology and the development of innovative therapies in the treatment of dysimmune neuropathies and digital biomarkers for neuropathies.

Pr SACCONI Sabrina
Neurologist, Neuromuscular CRMR and the Neurogenetic CCMR, Vice-chair of the Muscle and Education program at the ERN NMD working group. Professor of neurology, Sabrina Sacconi is Head of the Peripheral Nervous System and Muscle Department at Nice University Hospital and coordinator of its Rare Neuromuscular Disease Reference Centre and the Rare Neurogenetic Diseases Competence Centre.
Her main research interests are myasthenia gravis, chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy, spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophy, innovative therapies and new technologies. She is involved in clinical trials for innovative drugs and is a leading European expert in e-health services for neuromuscular diseases through her involvement in telemedicine, artificial intelligence, remote assessment and the development of digital biomarkers. She also organised the first European medical congress on innovation and e-health to overcome barriers in neuromuscular diseases (eNMD) in partnership with l'AFM-Téléthon.

Dr VILLA Luisa
Neurologist, SNPM, Neuromuscular CRMR /Neurogenetic CCMR Neurologist consultant, Luisa Villa is based at Nice University Hospital. She specialises in muscular diseases and neuromuscular junctions, as well as muscular system pathologies. She takes part in medical trials for innovative therapies and new health technologies. She works on virtual reality and facial and vocal recognition for the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases.
Course 4

Shahram Attarian è un rinomato neurologo di Marsiglia. In qualità di responsabile del reparto di malattie neuromuscolari e SLA dell'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (AP-HM), guida le équipe mediche specializzate in questi settori. Allo stesso tempo, come professore universitario presso l'Università di Aix-Marseille II, forma la prossima generazione di professionisti della salute. In qualità di coordinatore della rete sanitaria per le malattie rare Filnemus, lavora anche per migliorare la comprensione e la gestione delle malattie neuromuscolari.

Dr BAUDOUY Delphine
Delphine Baudouy is a cardiologist specialising in vascular diseases. She works as a practitioner at the Competence Center for cardiomyopathies, rhythm disorders and M3C, as well as at the Cardiology Department of the CHU de Nice.

Pr GERMAIN Dominique
Dominique GERMAIN is Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Versailles and the University of Paris-Saclay. He is also Director of the French Reference Centre for Fabry Disease and has held senior positions in European reference centres for rare diseases. His research focuses on the clinical and biochemical genetics of lysosomal storage diseases and connective tissue disorders, with a particular interest in innovative therapies. He is the author of over 170 articles and has given over 400 invited lectures at international meetings.

Dr NEVEU Julien
I work at the Pediatric Hospital de Nice CHU Lenval as a neuropaediatrician and head of the Hereditary Metabolic Diseases centre of expertise.

Dr. MARTIS Nihal
Specialist in Internal Medicine and Clinical Immunology at Nice University Hospital. Responsible for the CCMR thrombotic microangiopathies and hypereosinophilic syndromes. Clinician attached to the gene expression control team (COdEX) at the Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (INSERM U1065). Lecturer at the Nice Faculty of Medicine.

Dr PERRIARD Caroline
After training and completing my clinical training in neuropaediatrics in Strasbourg, I am now a practitioner in neuropaediatrics at the Paediatric Hospitals of Nice, with particular responsibility for neuromuscular diseases within the Paediatric Referral Centre.

Dr RICHELME Christian
Christian RICHELME is a paediatric neurologist at Nice University Hospital, and co-responsible for medical consultations at Lenval Hospital in Nice. He is the coordinating doctor for the multidisciplinary paediatric neuromuscular consultation in Nice, which he set up in 1987 at the Cimiez hospital with a team of loyal colleagues. He is also responsible for advanced neuromuscular consultations in Corsica. He has been involved in the development of symptomatic management of neuromuscular disorders for 3 decades. He was behind the introduction of Spinraza injections in the paediatric sector in Nice, and is the author of several articles on Nusinersen therapy.

Emmanuelle Salort-campana is a neurologist at the PACA Réunion Rhone Alpes neuromuscular disease reference centre (Pr Attarian's department) at La Timone hospital in Marseille. She specialises in myasthenia and muscle diseases. She is co-chair of the national "adult" RCP dedicated to spinal muscular atrophy.

Dr VICART Savine
She is an adult neurologist specialising in muscular canalopathies, practising at the Group Hospital University of Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris. She is responsible for the French Reference Centre for Muscular Canalopathies alongside Professor Bertrand Fontaine and co-directs RESOCANAUX, the French network for research into muscular canalopathies.